Workshop: Groups in Action 1996
Schloß Thurnau (Germany)
October 20 -24, 1996
Constructive Theory of Discrete Structures, Applications, Algorithms etc.
Interested people should register
here and now .
(Deadline for registration: September 30, 1996)
WARNING ! because of technical problems, the www form had been inactive
for a few weeks. If you have registered but don't find your name
on any of these pages:
please register again now !
People wishing to give a talk should post their title now.
A short abstact would be nice (send it by email).
At the moment, we have the following speakers:
- "Classifying Line-Transitive Finite Linear Spaces?",
Alan Camina (Norwich, UK)
- "Modular homology in the Boolean Algebra and in
Projective Space", J Siemons (Norwich, UK)
"Construction of symmetric (176,50,14) designs using subgroups of the
sporadic Higman-Sims-group", Wolfram Wirth, Mainz
"Symmetry Groups of Finite Generalized Quadrangles.",
Dirk Hachenberger, Augsburg
- "Computing maximal subgroups of space groups in GAP" Bettina Eick, Aachen
- "Konstruktion transitiver Permutationsgruppen",
Alexander Hulpke, Aachen
- "The construction of configurations --- The method of Martinetti
and modern methods", Harald Gropp, Heidelberg
"Simple $t$-Designs with large $t$: A Status Report"
Alfred Wassermann, Bayreuth
"A computer approach to the block-designs which are invariant
with respect to a prescribed permutation group"
Christian Pech, Dresden
- "Tactical decompositions and some configurations $n_4$", Dieter Betten, Kiel
"The linear spaces on $\le$ 12 points", Anton Betten, Bayreuth
- "Konstruktion Diskreter Strukturen", Reinhard Laue, Bayreuth
"Enumerative problems in framework of group action orthogonality",
Valery Liskovets, Dresden
- "Berechnung endlicher aufloesbarer Quotienten", Herbert Brueckner, Aachen
"Maximal finite matrix groups", Gabriele Nebe, Aachen, Bordeaux
"New Results about Geometric Codes"
David Glynn (Christchurch, New Zealand)
- "Graph generation" Thomas Gruener (Bayreuth)
- "Erzeugung regul"arer Graphen" Markus Meringer (Bayreuth)
"The Classification of p-Groups by Coclass"
Axel Schneider, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
- "Merging of graphs" Thomas Wieland, Bayreuth
- "Zyklische Charaktere der Symmetrischen Gruppe", Thomas Scharf, Bayreuth
"Enumeration, construction and random generation of block codes",
Harald Fripertinger, Graz
The following people will participate:
- Wolfgang Boessenecker (Pottenstein bei Bayreuth)
- Marcel Wild, Zuerich
- Frank Fiedler, Dresden
- J.D.Gilbey, Queen Mary and Westfield college, London
For more information please contact
Prof.Dr.R.Laue, or
Anton Betten
Lehrstuhl II f. Mathematik
Universität Bayreuth
D-95440 Bayreuth
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