Accommodation -- Workshop: Groups in Action 1996

October 20-24, 1996

The costs for accommodation (Bed and Breakfast) will be about

DM 70.-- for a single room and DM 90.--/150.-- for a double room (per day).

A moderate conference fee will be raised. It includes the rent of the conference room, "Kaffee und Kuchen", etc.

Most people will find their accommodation directly in the castle ("Wissenschaftszentrum Thurnau", Mr. Friedrich, phone 09228 / 954220).
Nevertheless, there are few persons which will reside at the "Antikhaus Hagen", Kirchplatz 8, phone 09228 / 1580.
At the moment, the following people will go to Antikhaus Hagen:

All other will stay at the castle. This information may be subject to changes, please be aware of this !
back to "Groups in Action"
last change: October 1, 1996.