t designs with small t, id ge 11500
# 11500: 5-(31,15,2548975)
- clan: 13-(32,16,465), 7 times reduced t, 1 times derived
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(30,14,980375) (# 11496) : der= 5-(30,14,980375) and res= 5-(30,15,1568600) - the given design is the derived.
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(30,15,1568600) (# 11497) : der= 5-(30,14,980375) and res= 5-(30,15,1568600) - the given design is the residual.
design 6-(31,15,980375) (# 14988) with respect to smaller t
supplementary design of 6-(31,15,1062600) (# 14993) with respect to smaller t
derived from 6-(32,16,2548975) (# 14994)
derived from supplementary of 6-(32,16,2762760) (# 14998)
# 11501: 5-(31,15,2762760)
- clan: 13-(32,16,504), 7 times reduced t, 1 times derived
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(30,14,1062600) (# 11498) : der= 5-(30,14,1062600) and res= 5-(30,15,1700160) - the given design is the derived.
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(30,15,1700160) (# 11499) : der= 5-(30,14,1062600) and res= 5-(30,15,1700160) - the given design is the residual.
supplementary design of 6-(31,15,980375) (# 14988) with respect to smaller t
design 6-(31,15,1062600) (# 14993) with respect to smaller t
derived from supplementary of 6-(32,16,2548975) (# 14994)
derived from 6-(32,16,2762760) (# 14998)
# 11502: 5-(32,16,6256575)
- clan: 13-(32,16,465), 8 times reduced t
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(31,15,2548975) (# 11500)
design 6-(32,16,2548975) (# 14994) with respect to smaller t
supplementary design of 6-(32,16,2762760) (# 14998) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(31,16,3707600) (# 15000) : der= 5-(31,15,2548975) and res= 5-(31,16,3707600) - the given design is the residual.
# 11503: 5-(32,16,6781320)
- clan: 13-(32,16,504), 8 times reduced t
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(31,15,2762760) (# 11501)
supplementary design of 6-(32,16,2548975) (# 14994) with respect to smaller t
design 6-(32,16,2762760) (# 14998) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(31,16,4018560) (# 15001) : der= 5-(31,15,2762760) and res= 5-(31,16,4018560) - the given design is the residual.
# 11504: 6-(27,13,57960)
- clan: 13-(32,16,483), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
derived from 7-(28,14,57960) (# 11508)
derived from supplementary of 7-(28,14,58320) (# 11532)
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(26,13,38640) (# 13750) : der= 6-(26,12,19320) and res= 6-(26,13,38640) - the given design is the residual.
design 7-(27,13,19320) (# 13759) with respect to smaller t
residual design of 7-(28,13,27048) (# 14862)
supplementary design of 7-(27,13,19440) (# 17638) with respect to smaller t
residual design of supplementary of 7-(28,13,27216) (# 17640)
# 11505: 5-(27,13,159390)
- clan: 13-(32,16,483), 3 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
design 6-(27,13,57960) (# 11504) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,13,101430) (# 11506) : der= 5-(26,12,57960) and res= 5-(26,13,101430) - the given design is the residual.
derived from 6-(28,14,159390) (# 11507)
residual design of 6-(28,13,85008) (# 11511)
derived from supplementary of 6-(28,14,160380) (# 11519)
supplementary design of 6-(27,13,58320) (# 11520) with respect to smaller t
residual design of supplementary of 6-(28,13,85536) (# 14359)
# 11506: 5-(26,13,101430)
- clan: 13-(32,16,483), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 3 times residual
residual design of 6-(27,13,57960) (# 11504)
derived from 6-(27,14,101430) (# 11518)
residual design of supplementary of 6-(27,13,58320) (# 11520)
derived from supplementary of 6-(27,14,102060) (# 11521)
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(25,12,38640) (# 13744)
design 6-(26,13,38640) (# 13750) with respect to smaller t
supplementary design of 6-(26,13,38880) (# 13753) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(25,13,62790) (# 13755) : der= 5-(25,12,38640) and res= 5-(25,13,62790) - the given design is the residual.
# 11507: 6-(28,14,159390)
- clan: 13-(32,16,483), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 6-(27,13,57960) (# 11504)
design 7-(28,14,57960) (# 11508) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(27,14,101430) (# 11518) : der= 6-(27,13,57960) and res= 6-(27,14,101430) - the given design is the residual.
supplementary design of 7-(28,14,58320) (# 11532) with respect to smaller t
residual design of 7-(29,14,85008) (# 14864)
residual design of supplementary of 7-(29,14,85536) (# 17641)
# 11508: 7-(28,14,57960)
- clan: 13-(32,16,483), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
Alltop construction for design 6-(27,13,57960) (# 11504)
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 7-(27,13,19320) (# 13759)
# 11509: 5-(27,13,160380)
- clan: 13-(32,16,486), 3 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
supplementary design of 6-(27,13,57960) (# 11504) with respect to smaller t
derived from supplementary of 6-(28,14,159390) (# 11507)
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,13,102060) (# 11510) : der= 5-(26,12,58320) and res= 5-(26,13,102060) - the given design is the residual.
residual design of supplementary of 6-(28,13,85008) (# 11511)
derived from 6-(28,14,160380) (# 11519)
design 6-(27,13,58320) (# 11520) with respect to smaller t
residual design of 6-(28,13,85536) (# 14359)
# 11510: 5-(26,13,102060)
- clan: 13-(32,16,486), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 3 times residual
residual design of supplementary of 6-(27,13,57960) (# 11504)
derived from supplementary of 6-(27,14,101430) (# 11518)
residual design of 6-(27,13,58320) (# 11520)
derived from 6-(27,14,102060) (# 11521)
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(25,12,38880) (# 13746)
supplementary design of 6-(26,13,38640) (# 13750) with respect to smaller t
design 6-(26,13,38880) (# 13753) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(25,13,63180) (# 13756) : der= 5-(25,12,38880) and res= 5-(25,13,63180) - the given design is the residual.
# 11511: 6-(28,13,85008)
- clan: 13-(32,16,483), 3 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 1 times residual
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(27,13,57960) (# 11504) : der= 6-(27,12,27048) and res= 6-(27,13,57960) - the given design is the residual.
design 7-(28,13,27048) (# 14862) with respect to smaller t
residual design of 7-(29,13,37191) (# 14863)
derived from 7-(29,14,85008) (# 14864)
supplementary design of 7-(28,13,27216) (# 17640) with respect to smaller t
derived from supplementary of 7-(29,14,85536) (# 17641)
# 11512: 5-(28,14,407330)
- clan: 13-(32,16,483), 4 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(27,13,159390) (# 11505)
design 6-(28,14,159390) (# 11507) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(27,14,247940) (# 11514) : der= 5-(27,13,159390) and res= 5-(27,14,247940) - the given design is the residual.
residual design of 6-(29,14,244398) (# 11517)
supplementary design of 6-(28,14,160380) (# 11519) with respect to smaller t
derived from 6-(29,15,407330) (# 11541)
residual design of supplementary of 6-(29,14,245916) (# 11543)
derived from supplementary of 6-(29,15,409860) (# 11544)
# 11513: 5-(28,13,244398)
- clan: 13-(32,16,483), 4 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 1 times residual
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(27,13,159390) (# 11505) : der= 5-(27,12,85008) and res= 5-(27,13,159390) - the given design is the residual.
design 6-(28,13,85008) (# 11511) with respect to smaller t
derived from 6-(29,14,244398) (# 11517)
residual design of 6-(29,13,122199) (# 11523)
derived from supplementary of 6-(29,14,245916) (# 11543)
supplementary design of 6-(28,13,85536) (# 14359) with respect to smaller t
residual design of supplementary of 6-(29,13,122958) (# 14360)
# 11514: 5-(27,14,247940)
- clan: 13-(32,16,483), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
residual design of 6-(28,14,159390) (# 11507)
design 6-(27,14,101430) (# 11518) with respect to smaller t
residual design of supplementary of 6-(28,14,160380) (# 11519)
supplementary design of 6-(27,14,102060) (# 11521) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,14,146510) (# 11530) : der= 5-(26,13,101430) and res= 5-(26,14,146510) - the given design is the residual.
# 11515: 5-(28,14,409860)
- clan: 13-(32,16,486), 4 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
supplementary design of 6-(28,14,159390) (# 11507) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(27,13,160380) (# 11509)
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(27,13,160380) (# 11509) : der= 5-(27,13,160380) and res= 5-(27,14,249480) - the given design is the derived.
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(27,14,249480) (# 11516) : der= 5-(27,13,160380) and res= 5-(27,14,249480) - the given design is the residual.
residual design of supplementary of 6-(29,14,244398) (# 11517)
design 6-(28,14,160380) (# 11519) with respect to smaller t
derived from supplementary of 6-(29,15,407330) (# 11541)
residual design of 6-(29,14,245916) (# 11543)
derived from 6-(29,15,409860) (# 11544)
# 11516: 5-(27,14,249480)
- clan: 13-(32,16,486), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
residual design of supplementary of 6-(28,14,159390) (# 11507)
supplementary design of 6-(27,14,101430) (# 11518) with respect to smaller t
residual design of 6-(28,14,160380) (# 11519)
design 6-(27,14,102060) (# 11521) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,14,147420) (# 11531) : der= 5-(26,13,102060) and res= 5-(26,14,147420) - the given design is the residual.
# 11517: 6-(29,14,244398)
- clan: 13-(32,16,483), 4 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 1 times residual
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(28,14,159390) (# 11507) : der= 6-(28,13,85008) and res= 6-(28,14,159390) - the given design is the residual.
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(28,13,85008) (# 11511) : der= 6-(28,13,85008) and res= 6-(28,14,159390) - the given design is the derived.
derived from 7-(30,15,244398) (# 11528)
derived from supplementary of 7-(30,15,245916) (# 11551)
design 7-(29,14,85008) (# 14864) with respect to smaller t
residual design of 7-(30,14,122199) (# 14865)
supplementary design of 7-(29,14,85536) (# 17641) with respect to smaller t
# 11518: 6-(27,14,101430)
# 11519: 6-(28,14,160380)
- clan: 13-(32,16,486), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
supplementary design of 7-(28,14,57960) (# 11508) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 6-(27,13,58320) (# 11520)
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(27,13,58320) (# 11520) : der= 6-(27,13,58320) and res= 6-(27,14,102060) - the given design is the derived.
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(27,14,102060) (# 11521) : der= 6-(27,13,58320) and res= 6-(27,14,102060) - the given design is the residual.
design 7-(28,14,58320) (# 11532) with respect to smaller t
residual design of supplementary of 7-(29,14,85008) (# 14864)
residual design of 7-(29,14,85536) (# 17641)
# 11520: 6-(27,13,58320)
- clan: 13-(32,16,486), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
derived from supplementary of 7-(28,14,57960) (# 11508)
derived from 7-(28,14,58320) (# 11532)
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(26,13,38880) (# 13753) : der= 6-(26,12,19440) and res= 6-(26,13,38880) - the given design is the residual.
supplementary design of 7-(27,13,19320) (# 13759) with respect to smaller t
residual design of supplementary of 7-(28,13,27048) (# 14862)
design 7-(27,13,19440) (# 17638) with respect to smaller t
residual design of 7-(28,13,27216) (# 17640)
# 11521: 6-(27,14,102060)
# 11522: 5-(28,13,245916)
- clan: 13-(32,16,486), 4 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 1 times residual
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(27,13,160380) (# 11509) : der= 5-(27,12,85536) and res= 5-(27,13,160380) - the given design is the residual.
supplementary design of 6-(28,13,85008) (# 11511) with respect to smaller t
derived from supplementary of 6-(29,14,244398) (# 11517)
residual design of supplementary of 6-(29,13,122199) (# 11523)
derived from 6-(29,14,245916) (# 11543)
design 6-(28,13,85536) (# 14359) with respect to smaller t
residual design of 6-(29,13,122958) (# 14360)
# 11523: 6-(29,13,122199)
- clan: 13-(32,16,483), 4 times reduced t, 3 times derived
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(28,13,85008) (# 11511) : der= 6-(28,12,37191) and res= 6-(28,13,85008) - the given design is the residual.
design 7-(29,13,37191) (# 14863) with respect to smaller t
derived from 7-(30,14,122199) (# 14865)
# 11524: 5-(29,14,651728)
- clan: 13-(32,16,483), 5 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 1 times residual
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(28,14,407330) (# 11512) : der= 5-(28,13,244398) and res= 5-(28,14,407330) - the given design is the residual.
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(28,13,244398) (# 11513) : der= 5-(28,13,244398) and res= 5-(28,14,407330) - the given design is the derived.
design 6-(29,14,244398) (# 11517) with respect to smaller t
derived from 6-(30,15,651728) (# 11527)
residual design of 6-(30,14,366597) (# 11529)
derived from supplementary of 6-(30,15,655776) (# 11542)
supplementary design of 6-(29,14,245916) (# 11543) with respect to smaller t
residual design of supplementary of 6-(30,14,368874) (# 14361)
# 11525: 5-(29,13,366597)
- clan: 13-(32,16,483), 5 times reduced t, 3 times derived
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(28,13,244398) (# 11513) : der= 5-(28,12,122199) and res= 5-(28,13,244398) - the given design is the residual.
design 6-(29,13,122199) (# 11523) with respect to smaller t
derived from 6-(30,14,366597) (# 11529)
supplementary design of 6-(29,13,122958) (# 14360) with respect to smaller t
derived from supplementary of 6-(30,14,368874) (# 14361)
# 11526: 5-(29,14,655776)
- clan: 13-(32,16,486), 5 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 1 times residual
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(28,14,409860) (# 11515) : der= 5-(28,13,245916) and res= 5-(28,14,409860) - the given design is the residual.
supplementary design of 6-(29,14,244398) (# 11517) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(28,13,245916) (# 11522) : der= 5-(28,13,245916) and res= 5-(28,14,409860) - the given design is the derived.
derived from supplementary of 6-(30,15,651728) (# 11527)
residual design of supplementary of 6-(30,14,366597) (# 11529)
derived from 6-(30,15,655776) (# 11542)
design 6-(29,14,245916) (# 11543) with respect to smaller t
residual design of 6-(30,14,368874) (# 14361)
# 11527: 6-(30,15,651728)
- clan: 13-(32,16,483), 5 times reduced t, 1 times derived, 1 times residual
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 6-(29,14,244398) (# 11517)
design 7-(30,15,244398) (# 11528) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(29,15,407330) (# 11541) : der= 6-(29,14,244398) and res= 6-(29,15,407330) - the given design is the residual.
supplementary design of 7-(30,15,245916) (# 11551) with respect to smaller t
residual design of 7-(31,15,366597) (# 14866)
# 11528: 7-(30,15,244398)
# 11529: 6-(30,14,366597)
- clan: 13-(32,16,483), 5 times reduced t, 2 times derived
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(29,14,244398) (# 11517) : der= 6-(29,13,122199) and res= 6-(29,14,244398) - the given design is the residual.
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(29,13,122199) (# 11523) : der= 6-(29,13,122199) and res= 6-(29,14,244398) - the given design is the derived.
design 7-(30,14,122199) (# 14865) with respect to smaller t
derived from 7-(31,15,366597) (# 14866)
# 11530: 5-(26,14,146510)
# 11531: 5-(26,14,147420)
# 11532: 7-(28,14,58320)
# 11533: 5-(29,13,368874)
- clan: 13-(32,16,486), 5 times reduced t, 3 times derived
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(28,13,245916) (# 11522) : der= 5-(28,12,122958) and res= 5-(28,13,245916) - the given design is the residual.
supplementary design of 6-(29,13,122199) (# 11523) with respect to smaller t
derived from supplementary of 6-(30,14,366597) (# 11529)
design 6-(29,13,122958) (# 14360) with respect to smaller t
derived from 6-(30,14,368874) (# 14361)
# 11534: 5-(30,15,1629320)
- clan: 13-(32,16,483), 6 times reduced t, 1 times derived, 1 times residual
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(29,14,651728) (# 11524)
design 6-(30,15,651728) (# 11527) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(29,15,977592) (# 11538) : der= 5-(29,14,651728) and res= 5-(29,15,977592) - the given design is the residual.
residual design of 6-(31,15,1018325) (# 11540)
supplementary design of 6-(30,15,655776) (# 11542) with respect to smaller t
derived from 6-(31,16,1629320) (# 11556)
residual design of supplementary of 6-(31,15,1024650) (# 11558)
derived from supplementary of 6-(31,16,1639440) (# 11559)
# 11535: 5-(30,14,1018325)
- clan: 13-(32,16,483), 6 times reduced t, 2 times derived
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(29,14,651728) (# 11524) : der= 5-(29,13,366597) and res= 5-(29,14,651728) - the given design is the residual.
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(29,13,366597) (# 11525) : der= 5-(29,13,366597) and res= 5-(29,14,651728) - the given design is the derived.
design 6-(30,14,366597) (# 11529) with respect to smaller t
derived from 6-(31,15,1018325) (# 11540)
derived from supplementary of 6-(31,15,1024650) (# 11558)
supplementary design of 6-(30,14,368874) (# 14361) with respect to smaller t
# 11536: 5-(30,15,1639440)
- clan: 13-(32,16,486), 6 times reduced t, 1 times derived, 1 times residual
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(29,14,655776) (# 11526)
supplementary design of 6-(30,15,651728) (# 11527) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(29,15,983664) (# 11539) : der= 5-(29,14,655776) and res= 5-(29,15,983664) - the given design is the residual.
residual design of supplementary of 6-(31,15,1018325) (# 11540)
design 6-(30,15,655776) (# 11542) with respect to smaller t
derived from supplementary of 6-(31,16,1629320) (# 11556)
residual design of 6-(31,15,1024650) (# 11558)
derived from 6-(31,16,1639440) (# 11559)
# 11537: 5-(30,14,1024650)
- clan: 13-(32,16,486), 6 times reduced t, 2 times derived
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(29,14,655776) (# 11526) : der= 5-(29,13,368874) and res= 5-(29,14,655776) - the given design is the residual.
supplementary design of 6-(30,14,366597) (# 11529) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(29,13,368874) (# 11533) : der= 5-(29,13,368874) and res= 5-(29,14,655776) - the given design is the derived.
derived from supplementary of 6-(31,15,1018325) (# 11540)
derived from 6-(31,15,1024650) (# 11558)
design 6-(30,14,368874) (# 14361) with respect to smaller t
# 11538: 5-(29,15,977592)
- clan: 13-(32,16,483), 5 times reduced t, 1 times derived, 2 times residual
residual design of 6-(30,15,651728) (# 11527)
design 6-(29,15,407330) (# 11541) with respect to smaller t
residual design of supplementary of 6-(30,15,655776) (# 11542)
supplementary design of 6-(29,15,409860) (# 11544) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(28,15,570262) (# 11549) : der= 5-(28,14,407330) and res= 5-(28,15,570262) - the given design is the residual.
# 11539: 5-(29,15,983664)
- clan: 13-(32,16,486), 5 times reduced t, 1 times derived, 2 times residual
residual design of supplementary of 6-(30,15,651728) (# 11527)
supplementary design of 6-(29,15,407330) (# 11541) with respect to smaller t
residual design of 6-(30,15,655776) (# 11542)
design 6-(29,15,409860) (# 11544) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(28,15,573804) (# 11550) : der= 5-(28,14,409860) and res= 5-(28,15,573804) - the given design is the residual.
# 11540: 6-(31,15,1018325)
- clan: 13-(32,16,483), 6 times reduced t, 1 times derived
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(30,15,651728) (# 11527) : der= 6-(30,14,366597) and res= 6-(30,15,651728) - the given design is the residual.
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(30,14,366597) (# 11529) : der= 6-(30,14,366597) and res= 6-(30,15,651728) - the given design is the derived.
derived from 7-(32,16,1018325) (# 11548)
derived from supplementary of 7-(32,16,1024650) (# 11562)
design 7-(31,15,366597) (# 14866) with respect to smaller t
# 11541: 6-(29,15,407330)
# 11542: 6-(30,15,655776)
- clan: 13-(32,16,486), 5 times reduced t, 1 times derived, 1 times residual
supplementary design of 7-(30,15,244398) (# 11528) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 6-(29,14,245916) (# 11543)
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(29,14,245916) (# 11543) : der= 6-(29,14,245916) and res= 6-(29,15,409860) - the given design is the derived.
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(29,15,409860) (# 11544) : der= 6-(29,14,245916) and res= 6-(29,15,409860) - the given design is the residual.
design 7-(30,15,245916) (# 11551) with respect to smaller t
residual design of supplementary of 7-(31,15,366597) (# 14866)
# 11543: 6-(29,14,245916)
- clan: 13-(32,16,486), 4 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 1 times residual
derived from supplementary of 7-(30,15,244398) (# 11528)
derived from 7-(30,15,245916) (# 11551)
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(28,13,85536) (# 14359) : der= 6-(28,13,85536) and res= 6-(28,14,160380) - the given design is the derived.
supplementary design of 7-(29,14,85008) (# 14864) with respect to smaller t
residual design of supplementary of 7-(30,14,122199) (# 14865)
design 7-(29,14,85536) (# 17641) with respect to smaller t
# 11544: 6-(29,15,409860)
# 11545: 5-(31,15,2647645)
- clan: 13-(32,16,483), 7 times reduced t, 1 times derived
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(30,15,1629320) (# 11534) : der= 5-(30,14,1018325) and res= 5-(30,15,1629320) - the given design is the residual.
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(30,14,1018325) (# 11535) : der= 5-(30,14,1018325) and res= 5-(30,15,1629320) - the given design is the derived.
design 6-(31,15,1018325) (# 11540) with respect to smaller t
derived from 6-(32,16,2647645) (# 11547)
derived from supplementary of 6-(32,16,2664090) (# 11557)
supplementary design of 6-(31,15,1024650) (# 11558) with respect to smaller t
# 11546: 5-(31,15,2664090)
- clan: 13-(32,16,486), 7 times reduced t, 1 times derived
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(30,15,1639440) (# 11536) : der= 5-(30,14,1024650) and res= 5-(30,15,1639440) - the given design is the residual.
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(30,14,1024650) (# 11537) : der= 5-(30,14,1024650) and res= 5-(30,15,1639440) - the given design is the derived.
supplementary design of 6-(31,15,1018325) (# 11540) with respect to smaller t
derived from supplementary of 6-(32,16,2647645) (# 11547)
derived from 6-(32,16,2664090) (# 11557)
design 6-(31,15,1024650) (# 11558) with respect to smaller t
# 11547: 6-(32,16,2647645)
- clan: 13-(32,16,483), 7 times reduced t
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 6-(31,15,1018325) (# 11540)
design 7-(32,16,1018325) (# 11548) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(31,16,1629320) (# 11556) : der= 6-(31,15,1018325) and res= 6-(31,16,1629320) - the given design is the residual.
supplementary design of 7-(32,16,1024650) (# 11562) with respect to smaller t
# 11548: 7-(32,16,1018325)
# 11549: 5-(28,15,570262)
# 11550: 5-(28,15,573804)
# 11551: 7-(30,15,245916)
# 11552: 5-(32,16,6498765)
- clan: 13-(32,16,483), 8 times reduced t
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(31,15,2647645) (# 11545)
design 6-(32,16,2647645) (# 11547) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(31,16,3851120) (# 11554) : der= 5-(31,15,2647645) and res= 5-(31,16,3851120) - the given design is the residual.
supplementary design of 6-(32,16,2664090) (# 11557) with respect to smaller t
# 11553: 5-(32,16,6539130)
- clan: 13-(32,16,486), 8 times reduced t
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(31,15,2664090) (# 11546)
supplementary design of 6-(32,16,2647645) (# 11547) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(31,16,3875040) (# 11555) : der= 5-(31,15,2664090) and res= 5-(31,16,3875040) - the given design is the residual.
design 6-(32,16,2664090) (# 11557) with respect to smaller t
# 11554: 5-(31,16,3851120)
- clan: 13-(32,16,483), 7 times reduced t, 1 times residual
residual design of 6-(32,16,2647645) (# 11547)
design 6-(31,16,1629320) (# 11556) with respect to smaller t
residual design of supplementary of 6-(32,16,2664090) (# 11557)
supplementary design of 6-(31,16,1639440) (# 11559) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(30,16,2221800) (# 11560) : der= 5-(30,15,1629320) and res= 5-(30,16,2221800) - the given design is the residual.
# 11555: 5-(31,16,3875040)
- clan: 13-(32,16,486), 7 times reduced t, 1 times residual
residual design of supplementary of 6-(32,16,2647645) (# 11547)
supplementary design of 6-(31,16,1629320) (# 11556) with respect to smaller t
residual design of 6-(32,16,2664090) (# 11557)
design 6-(31,16,1639440) (# 11559) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(30,16,2235600) (# 11561) : der= 5-(30,15,1639440) and res= 5-(30,16,2235600) - the given design is the residual.
# 11556: 6-(31,16,1629320)
# 11557: 6-(32,16,2664090)
- clan: 13-(32,16,486), 7 times reduced t
supplementary design of 7-(32,16,1018325) (# 11548) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 6-(31,15,1024650) (# 11558)
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(31,15,1024650) (# 11558) : der= 6-(31,15,1024650) and res= 6-(31,16,1639440) - the given design is the derived.
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(31,16,1639440) (# 11559) : der= 6-(31,15,1024650) and res= 6-(31,16,1639440) - the given design is the residual.
design 7-(32,16,1024650) (# 11562) with respect to smaller t
# 11558: 6-(31,15,1024650)
- clan: 13-(32,16,486), 6 times reduced t, 1 times derived
derived from supplementary of 7-(32,16,1018325) (# 11548)
derived from 7-(32,16,1024650) (# 11562)
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(30,14,368874) (# 14361) : der= 6-(30,14,368874) and res= 6-(30,15,655776) - the given design is the derived.
supplementary design of 7-(31,15,366597) (# 14866) with respect to smaller t
# 11559: 6-(31,16,1639440)
# 11560: 5-(30,16,2221800)
# 11561: 5-(30,16,2235600)
# 11562: 7-(32,16,1024650)
# 11563: 6-(27,13,8640)
- clan: 13-(32,16,72), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
$ASL(3,3)$ $\ge 3112002$, $AGL(3,3)$ 48 isomorphism types
derived from 7-(28,14,8640) (# 11568)
derived from supplementary of 7-(28,14,107640) (# 11582)
# 11564: 5-(27,13,23760)
- clan: 13-(32,16,72), 3 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
design 6-(27,13,8640) (# 11563) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(26,12,8640) (# 11565) : der= 5-(26,12,8640) and res= 5-(26,13,15120) - the given design is the derived.
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,13,15120) (# 11566) : der= 5-(26,12,8640) and res= 5-(26,13,15120) - the given design is the residual.
derived from 6-(28,14,23760) (# 11567)
derived from supplementary of 6-(28,14,296010) (# 11577)
supplementary design of 6-(27,13,107640) (# 11578) with respect to smaller t
# 11565: 5-(26,12,8640)
# 11566: 5-(26,13,15120)
- clan: 13-(32,16,72), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 3 times residual
residual design of 6-(27,13,8640) (# 11563)
derived from 6-(27,14,15120) (# 11576)
residual design of supplementary of 6-(27,13,107640) (# 11578)
derived from supplementary of 6-(27,14,188370) (# 11579)
# 11567: 6-(28,14,23760)
- clan: 13-(32,16,72), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 6-(27,13,8640) (# 11563)
design 7-(28,14,8640) (# 11568) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(27,14,15120) (# 11576) : der= 6-(27,13,8640) and res= 6-(27,14,15120) - the given design is the residual.
supplementary design of 7-(28,14,107640) (# 11582) with respect to smaller t
# 11568: 7-(28,14,8640)
# 11569: 5-(27,13,296010)
- clan: 13-(32,16,897), 3 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
supplementary design of 6-(27,13,8640) (# 11563) with respect to smaller t
derived from supplementary of 6-(28,14,23760) (# 11567)
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(26,12,107640) (# 11570) : der= 5-(26,12,107640) and res= 5-(26,13,188370) - the given design is the derived.
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,13,188370) (# 11571) : der= 5-(26,12,107640) and res= 5-(26,13,188370) - the given design is the residual.
derived from 6-(28,14,296010) (# 11577)
design 6-(27,13,107640) (# 11578) with respect to smaller t
# 11570: 5-(26,12,107640)
# 11571: 5-(26,13,188370)
- clan: 13-(32,16,897), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 3 times residual
residual design of supplementary of 6-(27,13,8640) (# 11563)
derived from supplementary of 6-(27,14,15120) (# 11576)
residual design of 6-(27,13,107640) (# 11578)
derived from 6-(27,14,188370) (# 11579)
# 11572: 5-(28,14,60720)
- clan: 13-(32,16,72), 4 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(27,13,23760) (# 11564)
design 6-(28,14,23760) (# 11567) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(27,14,36960) (# 11573) : der= 5-(27,13,23760) and res= 5-(27,14,36960) - the given design is the residual.
supplementary design of 6-(28,14,296010) (# 11577) with respect to smaller t
# 11573: 5-(27,14,36960)
- clan: 13-(32,16,72), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
residual design of 6-(28,14,23760) (# 11567)
design 6-(27,14,15120) (# 11576) with respect to smaller t
residual design of supplementary of 6-(28,14,296010) (# 11577)
supplementary design of 6-(27,14,188370) (# 11579) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,14,21840) (# 11580) : der= 5-(26,13,15120) and res= 5-(26,14,21840) - the given design is the residual.
# 11574: 5-(28,14,756470)
- clan: 13-(32,16,897), 4 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
supplementary design of 6-(28,14,23760) (# 11567) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(27,13,296010) (# 11569)
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(27,13,296010) (# 11569) : der= 5-(27,13,296010) and res= 5-(27,14,460460) - the given design is the derived.
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(27,14,460460) (# 11575) : der= 5-(27,13,296010) and res= 5-(27,14,460460) - the given design is the residual.
design 6-(28,14,296010) (# 11577) with respect to smaller t
# 11575: 5-(27,14,460460)
- clan: 13-(32,16,897), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
residual design of supplementary of 6-(28,14,23760) (# 11567)
supplementary design of 6-(27,14,15120) (# 11576) with respect to smaller t
residual design of 6-(28,14,296010) (# 11577)
design 6-(27,14,188370) (# 11579) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,14,272090) (# 11581) : der= 5-(26,13,188370) and res= 5-(26,14,272090) - the given design is the residual.
# 11576: 6-(27,14,15120)
# 11577: 6-(28,14,296010)
- clan: 13-(32,16,897), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
supplementary design of 7-(28,14,8640) (# 11568) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 6-(27,13,107640) (# 11578)
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(27,13,107640) (# 11578) : der= 6-(27,13,107640) and res= 6-(27,14,188370) - the given design is the derived.
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(27,14,188370) (# 11579) : der= 6-(27,13,107640) and res= 6-(27,14,188370) - the given design is the residual.
design 7-(28,14,107640) (# 11582) with respect to smaller t
# 11578: 6-(27,13,107640)
# 11579: 6-(27,14,188370)
# 11580: 5-(26,14,21840)
# 11581: 5-(26,14,272090)
# 11582: 7-(28,14,107640)
# 11583: 6-(27,13,9360)
- clan: 13-(32,16,78), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
$ASL(3,3)$ 128 solutions, 64 isomorphism types
derived from 7-(28,14,9360) (# 11585)
derived from supplementary of 7-(28,14,106920) (# 11603)
# 11584: 6-(28,14,25740)
- clan: 13-(32,16,78), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 6-(27,13,9360) (# 11583)
design 7-(28,14,9360) (# 11585) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(27,14,16380) (# 11593) : der= 6-(27,13,9360) and res= 6-(27,14,16380) - the given design is the residual.
supplementary design of 7-(28,14,106920) (# 11603) with respect to smaller t
# 11585: 7-(28,14,9360)
# 11586: 5-(27,13,294030)
- clan: 13-(32,16,891), 3 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
supplementary design of 6-(27,13,9360) (# 11583) with respect to smaller t
derived from supplementary of 6-(28,14,25740) (# 11584)
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,13,187110) (# 11587) : der= 5-(26,12,106920) and res= 5-(26,13,187110) - the given design is the residual.
residual design of supplementary of 6-(28,13,13728) (# 11588)
derived from 6-(28,14,294030) (# 11594)
design 6-(27,13,106920) (# 11595) with respect to smaller t
# 11587: 5-(26,13,187110)
- clan: 13-(32,16,891), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 3 times residual
residual design of supplementary of 6-(27,13,9360) (# 11583)
derived from supplementary of 6-(27,14,16380) (# 11593)
residual design of 6-(27,13,106920) (# 11595)
derived from 6-(27,14,187110) (# 11596)
# 11588: 6-(28,13,13728)
- clan: 13-(32,16,78), 3 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 1 times residual
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(27,13,9360) (# 11583) : der= 6-(27,12,4368) and res= 6-(27,13,9360) - the given design is the residual.
# 11589: 5-(27,14,40040)
- clan: 13-(32,16,78), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
residual design of 6-(28,14,25740) (# 11584)
design 6-(27,14,16380) (# 11593) with respect to smaller t
residual design of supplementary of 6-(28,14,294030) (# 11594)
supplementary design of 6-(27,14,187110) (# 11596) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,14,23660) (# 11601) : der= 5-(26,13,16380) and res= 5-(26,14,23660) - the given design is the residual.
# 11590: 5-(28,14,751410)
- clan: 13-(32,16,891), 4 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
supplementary design of 6-(28,14,25740) (# 11584) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(27,13,294030) (# 11586)
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(27,13,294030) (# 11586) : der= 5-(27,13,294030) and res= 5-(27,14,457380) - the given design is the derived.
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(27,14,457380) (# 11591) : der= 5-(27,13,294030) and res= 5-(27,14,457380) - the given design is the residual.
residual design of supplementary of 6-(29,14,39468) (# 11592)
design 6-(28,14,294030) (# 11594) with respect to smaller t
derived from supplementary of 6-(29,15,65780) (# 11607)
residual design of 6-(29,14,450846) (# 11609)
derived from 6-(29,15,751410) (# 11610)
# 11591: 5-(27,14,457380)
- clan: 13-(32,16,891), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
residual design of supplementary of 6-(28,14,25740) (# 11584)
supplementary design of 6-(27,14,16380) (# 11593) with respect to smaller t
residual design of 6-(28,14,294030) (# 11594)
design 6-(27,14,187110) (# 11596) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,14,270270) (# 11602) : der= 5-(26,13,187110) and res= 5-(26,14,270270) - the given design is the residual.
# 11592: 6-(29,14,39468)
- clan: 13-(32,16,78), 4 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 1 times residual
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(28,14,25740) (# 11584) : der= 6-(28,13,13728) and res= 6-(28,14,25740) - the given design is the residual.
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(28,13,13728) (# 11588) : der= 6-(28,13,13728) and res= 6-(28,14,25740) - the given design is the derived.
derived from 7-(30,15,39468) (# 11600)
derived from supplementary of 7-(30,15,450846) (# 11613)
# 11593: 6-(27,14,16380)
# 11594: 6-(28,14,294030)
- clan: 13-(32,16,891), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
supplementary design of 7-(28,14,9360) (# 11585) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 6-(27,13,106920) (# 11595)
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(27,13,106920) (# 11595) : der= 6-(27,13,106920) and res= 6-(27,14,187110) - the given design is the derived.
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(27,14,187110) (# 11596) : der= 6-(27,13,106920) and res= 6-(27,14,187110) - the given design is the residual.
design 7-(28,14,106920) (# 11603) with respect to smaller t
# 11595: 6-(27,13,106920)
# 11596: 6-(27,14,187110)
# 11597: 5-(28,13,450846)
- clan: 13-(32,16,891), 4 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 1 times residual
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(27,13,294030) (# 11586) : der= 5-(27,12,156816) and res= 5-(27,13,294030) - the given design is the residual.
supplementary design of 6-(28,13,13728) (# 11588) with respect to smaller t
derived from supplementary of 6-(29,14,39468) (# 11592)
derived from 6-(29,14,450846) (# 11609)
# 11598: 5-(29,14,1202256)
- clan: 13-(32,16,891), 5 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 1 times residual
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(28,14,751410) (# 11590) : der= 5-(28,13,450846) and res= 5-(28,14,751410) - the given design is the residual.
supplementary design of 6-(29,14,39468) (# 11592) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(28,13,450846) (# 11597) : der= 5-(28,13,450846) and res= 5-(28,14,751410) - the given design is the derived.
derived from supplementary of 6-(30,15,105248) (# 11599)
derived from 6-(30,15,1202256) (# 11608)
design 6-(29,14,450846) (# 11609) with respect to smaller t
# 11599: 6-(30,15,105248)
- clan: 13-(32,16,78), 5 times reduced t, 1 times derived, 1 times residual
Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 6-(29,14,39468) (# 11592)
design 7-(30,15,39468) (# 11600) with respect to smaller t
Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(29,15,65780) (# 11607) : der= 6-(29,14,39468) and res= 6-(29,15,65780) - the given design is the residual.
supplementary design of 7-(30,15,450846) (# 11613) with respect to smaller t
created: Fri Oct 23 11:12:46 CEST 2009