![]() | ![]() | ![]() | Action on the domain of functions |
For the following routines you have to specify the operating group G by giving a system of generators. The cardinality n of the set X is the degree of the permutations in G. In some cases you furthermore have to input the cardinality m of the set Y. In some cases, when we are dealing with characteristic functions, the cardinality of Y is already set to 2.
A very simple routine generating a set of all representatives of G-orbits on the set of all functions from {1,...,n} to {1,...,m} is
INT all_orbits_right(g,m,reps) OP g,m,reps;where
is a VECTOR of generators of the acting group G,
is the cardinality of Y and reps
is a VECTOR object
consisting of the representatives of the G-orbits.
Such a representative f is written as a VECTOR of the form
[f(1),f(2),...,f(n)].This routine does not use the homomorphism principle, the surjective method and the Read method for minimizing the number of minimality tests needed.
At first the Sims chain of the acting group is computed by
INT strong_generators(a,b) OP a,b;where
is a VECTOR of generators of the permutation group G
of degree n.
becomes an (n+1)´(n+1) MATRIX which is an upper
triangular matrix.
For iÎ{1,...,n} let CG(i) be the pointwise
stabilizer of {1,...,i} , then the PERMUTATIONs in the
i-1-th row of b
are representatives of the cosets
CG(i-1)/CG(i). For j³i the entry S_M_IJ(b,i-1,j-1)
is a PERMUTATION p such that p(i)=j.
The elements in S_M_IJ(b,i-1,i-1)
are the identity permutation of
degree n.
Then some minimality tests are applied, as described in the last chapter of [11].
INT all_orbits_ksubsets(g,k,vec) OP g,k,reps;computes a transversal of representatives of characteristic functions of k-subsets of X.
is a VECTOR of generators of G,
is an INTEGER object, indicating the cardinality of the
subsets, reps
is again a VECTOR of representatives.
If k>n/2 (where n is the cardinality of X), then it computes
the number of orbits of n-k-subsets of X.
INT all_orbits_ksubsets_rec(g,k,reps) OP g,k,reps;which uses the Read method in order to minimize the number of minimalityt tests needed. It computes a transversal of the characteristic functions of all s-sets 1£s£k. Again
is a system of generators of G, k
indicates k and reps
is a transversal of these
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | Action on the domain of functions |