Action on the domain of functionsOrbit-construction in SYMMETRICASome further generatorsActions of the form GX

Actions of the form GX

Given a permutation group G acting on the set X:={1,...n} , we use Schreier vectors for describing the orbits of G on X. These orbits will be labelled as 1,2,...,|G\\X|. With such a group action GX we associate 5 VECTORs. There are 3 VECTORs of length |X|, namely SVorbit,  SVlast and SVgen. The VECTOR SVorbit gives for each iÎX the number of the orbit w such that iÎw. (In other words the number of the orbit G(i) is the INTEGER object S_V_I(SVorbit,i-1L).) The other two VECTORs of length |X| are used for describing how an arbitrary element of the orbit can be reached through a path labelled by generators of the group when applied to the standard representative of the orbit. For a standard representative i both S_V_I(SVlast,i-1L) and S_V_I(SVgen,i-1L) have the value -1. If i is not a standard representative of an orbit w, then there is a further element jÎw and a generator g of G such that i=gj. In this case S_V_I(SVlast,i-1L) is the number jÎX (1£j£n) and S_V_I(SVgen,i-1L) is the position of g in the VECTOR of generators of the acting group G. So it takes values from 0 to S_V_LI(a)-1L.

Furthermore there are two VECTORs of size |G\\X|, namely Ofirst and Osize. The standard representative of the orbit w labelled by iÎ{1,...,|G\\X|} is given by S_V_I(Ofirst,i-1L), whereas the number of elements in this orbit is given by S_V_I(Osize,i-1L).

You can compute these VECTORs using the routine  

INT all_orbits(g,SVorbits,SVlast,SVgen,Ofirst,Osize) 
OP g,SVorbits,SVlast,SVgen,Ofirst,Osize; 
where g is a VECTOR consisting of generators of G. These generators must be PERMUTATIONs all of the same degree.

If you are only interested in the orbit representatives you can use  

INT allorbits(g,Ofirst) OP g,Ofirst; 
where g is a VECTOR consisting of generators of G.

Having the Schreier vectors at hand we can determine an element of the group G which maps the standard representative of the orbit G(k) of an arbitrary element kÎX to k, by using  

INT trace_schreier_vectors(g,SVlast,SVgen,k,gtrace) 
OP g,SVlast,SVgen,k,gtrace; 
where g is a VECTOR consisting of generators of G. k is an INTEGER object 1£k£n and gtrace is a group element which maps the standard representative of the orbit G(k) to k.

Furthermore we can compute the stabilizer of the standard representative of the orbit labelled with k by  

INT schreier_stabilizer(g,SVorbit,SVlast,SVgen,Ofirst,Osize,k,stab)
OP g,SVorbit,SVlast,SVgen,Ofirst,Osize,k,stab;
where g is a VECTOR consisting of generators of G. Please take care that k is the label of an orbit (i.e. an element of {1,...,|G\\X|} ) and not the standard representative of an orbit. A VECTOR of generators of the stabilizer of the standard representative of this orbit is computed as stab. The stabilizer of any other element of this orbit is conjugated to stab.,
last changed: November 19, 2001

Action on the domain of functionsOrbit-construction in SYMMETRICASome further generatorsActions of the form GX