Past Events
Swiss Number Theory Days 2024,
Brig, October 11 – 12, 2024.
Explicit methods in number theory,
Oberwolfach, September 1 – 6, 2024.
The Mordell conjecture 100 years later,
MIT, July 8 – 12, 2024.
Formalising algebraic geometry,
AIM (online), June 24 – 28, 2024.
Winter Workshop Chabauty-Kim 2024,
Universität Heidelberg, February 12 – 14, 2024.
Rational Points on Modular Curves,
ICTS Bangalore, India, September 11 – 22, 2023.
Rational Points 2023,
Schney, July 23 – 29, 2023.
Representation Theory XVIII,
Dubrovnik, June 18 – July 1, 2023.
PCMI 2022 Research Program: Number Theory Informed by Computation,
Park City, Utah, July 17 – August 6, 2022.
Modern Breakthroughs in Diophantine Problems,
Banff, June 19 – 24, 2022.
Rational Points 2022,
Schney, March 27 – April 2, 2022.
Explicit Methods in Number Theory (hybrid meeting),
Oberwolfach, July 18 - 24, 2021.
Modern Breakthroughs in Diophantine Problems,
BIRS, Banff, August 30 - September 4, 2020 (online).
Rational Points 2019,
Schney, July 14 - 20, 2019.
Rational points on irrational varieties,
IHP Paris, June 24 - 28, 2019.
Differential, Algebraic and Topological Methods in Complex Algebraic Geometry,
Grand Hotel San Michele, Cetraro, September 6 - 15, 2018.
Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, and Computation,
MIT, August 20 - 24, 2018.
Explicit Methods in Number Theory,
Oberwolfach, July 22 - 28, 2018.
Rational points on Schiermonnikoog,
Schiermonnikoog, July 2 - 6, 2018.
Torsion groups and Galois representations of elliptic curves,
Zagreb, June 25 - 29, 2018.
Diophantine problems,
Manchester, September 11 - 15, 2017.
Curves and L-functions,
ICTP Trieste, August 28 - September 8, 2017.
Rational Points 2017,
Schney, July 2 - 8, 2017.
Arithmetic Geometry and Computer Algebra,
Oldenburg, June 29 - July 1, 2017.
Journées Algophantiennes Bordelaises 2017,
Bordeaux, June 7 - 9, 2017.
Arithmetic Aspects of Explicit Moduli Problems,
BIRS, Banff, May 28 - June 2, 2017.
Workshop on Heights and Applications to Unlikely Intersections,
The Fields Institute, Toronto, February 13 - 17, 2017.
Annual Conference of the DFG Priority Programme 1489,
Kaiserslautern, October 10 - 14, 2016.
Rational points and Algebraic Geometry,
CIRM, Luminy, September 26 - 30, 2016.
Heidelberg Laureate Forum 2016,
Heidelberg, September 18 - 23, 2016.
University of Kaiserslautern, August 29 - September 2, 2016.
Workshop on Arithmetic and Geometry,
Cetraro, August 26 - September 4, 2016.
Explicit Methods in Number Theory: Conference in Honour of John Cremona's 60th Birthday, University of Warwick, April 4 - 8, 2016.
Göttingen-Hannover Number Theory Workshop,
Hannover, March 8, 2016.
Computational Aspects of Diophantine Equations,
Salzburg, February 15 - 19, 2016.
Arithmetic Geometry Days 2015,
København, November 12 - 13, 2015.
Jahrestagung SPP 1489,
Osnabrück, September 28 - October 2, 2015.
LMS-CMI Research School on Diophantine Equations,
Hay-on-Wye, September 14 - 20, 2015.
Explicit Methods in Number Theory,
Oberwolfach, July 5 - 11, 2015.
Rational Points 2015,
Franken-Akademie Schloss Schney, June 28 - July 5, 2015.
Arithmetic geometry, Chow groups and rational points,
Steklov Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, June 16 - 20, 2015.
p-adic Methods in Number Theory,
Berkeley, May 26 - 30, 2015.
Arithmetic of Hyperelliptic Curves and Cryptography,
Ohrid (Macedonia), August 25 - September 5, 2014.
Second ERC Research Period on Diophantine Geometry,
Grand Hotel San Michele, Cetraro (Italy), July 14-26, 2014.
Counting Arithmetic Objects,
Montreal, June 23 - July 4, 2014.
Jahrestagung 2013 ÖMG und DMV,
Innsbruck, September 23-27, 2013
Rational Points 2013,
Schloss Thurnau (near Bayreuth), July 21-27, 2013
Explicit Methods in Number Theory,
Oberwolfach, July 14-20, 2013
Rational Points — Geometric, Analytic and Explicit Approaches ,
University of Warwick, May 27-31, 2013
Arithmetic of abelian varieties in families,
EPFL, Lausanne, November 12-16, 2012
Arithmetic of L-functions,
University of Bristol, October 1-3, 2012
Rational points on curves: A p-adic and computational perspective,
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, September 24-28, 2012
Selmer Groups, Descent and the Distribution of Ranks,
University of Warwick, September 24-28, 2012
6th European Congress of Mathematics,
Kraków, July 2-7, 2012
Rational Points & Rational Curves,
Universität Zürich, May 21-25, 2012
Global Arithmetic Dynamics,
ICERM, Brown University, March 19-23, 2012
Second Annual Meeting, DFG-SPP 1489,
Leibniz Universität Hannover, February 27-March 1, 2012
Théorie des Nombres et Applications,
CIRM, Luminy, January 16-20, 2012
Summer School in Algorithmic Mathematics,
Berlin, October 10-14, 2011
Explicit Methods in Number Theory,
Oberwolfach, July 17-23, 2011
1. Jahrestagung des DFG Schwerpunktes SPP1489,
RWTH Aachen, February 21-25, 2011
Torsors: theory and applications,
ICMS, Edinburgh, January 10-14, 2011
North German Algebraic Geometry Seminar,
Oldenburg, November 18-19, 2010
Arithmetic of Surfaces,
Lorentz Center, Leiden, October 25-29, 2010
ISSAC 2010 at TU München, July 25-28, 2010
INRIA, Nancy, July 19-23, 2010
Rational Points 3, Workshop July 4-10, 2010 at
Schloss Thurnau
3rd Annual Meeting - GTEM (Galois Theory and Explicit Methods),
University of Warwick,
September 7-11, 2009
50th International Mathematical Olympiad,
Jacobs University Bremen,
July 10-22, 2009
Explicit Methods in Number Theory, July 12-18, 2009,
in Oberwolfach
Tag der Mathematik an der Uni Bayreuth, 11. Juli 2009
Journées Arithmétiques in Saint-Étienne,
July 6-10, 2009
Algorithms and Number Theory,
May 24-29, 2009, at Schloss Dagstuhl
Diophantine Equations at the
Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics,
Bonn, January-April 2009
Group Theory, Number Theory and Geometry,
Oxford, March 30 - April 3, 2009
(Conference on the occasion of Fritz Grunewald's 60th Birthday)
Arithmetic of K3 Surfaces in
Banff, November 30 - December 5, 2008
Rational Points Workshop June 2008 at Warwick
Instructional Workshop Surfaces: Geometry and Arithmetic,
April 2008 at Warwick
North German Algebraic Geometry Seminar, November 29-30, 2007,
in Hannover
Workshop "Rational Points on Curves and Higher-Dimensional Varieties:
Theory and Explicit Methods", July 2007 at Jacobs University Bremen
Workshop "Rational Points on Curves - Explicit Methods",
July 2005 at IUB