Conjugacy Classes |
Corollary: Let p and s denote elements of Sn . Then
- CS( p)=CS( s) iff a( p)= a( s) iff a( p)=a( s).
- CS( p)=CS( p-1), i.e. Sn is ambivalent , which means that each element is a conjugate of its inverse.
- | CS( p) | = Õi iai( p)ai( p)!, and | CS( p) | = n!/ Õi iai( p)ai( p)!.
There are some examples to compute the orders of the conjugacy classes and centralizers in Sn .
- | ápñ | = lcm { ai( p) | i Î c( p) }= lcm {i | ai( p)>0 }.
- Each proper partition a|¾n occurs as the cycle partition of some pÎSn .
(The first, second, fourth and fifth item is clear from the foregoing, while the third one follows from the fact that there are exactly iaiai! mappings which map a set of ai i-tuples onto this same set up to cyclic permutations inside each i-tuple.) For the sake of simplicity we can therefore parametrize the conjugacy classes of elements in Sn (and correspondingly in Sn ) by partitions or cycle types putting
Ca := Ca := CS( p), when a( p)= a, and a( p) =a.
Conjugacy Classes |