matrices of distance optimal binary codes
Generator matrices of distance optimal binary codes
Here you can find geneartor
matrcies of binary codes. These geneartor matrices were computed
using the computer algebra system SYMMETRICA.
For each length n from 1 to 100 and for each dimension k from 1 to
n we tabulate
either the biggest minimum distance d of a binary (n,k)-code,
which is indicated as [d] in the k-th position for codes of length
or an interval [d1,d2], when we present a
generator matrix of an (n,k)-code with minimum distance
d1 and when it is not possible to exclude the existence
of (n,k)-codes of length d1+1,...,d2. (But
there do not exists (n,k)-codes with minimum distance
When clicking on [d1] or [d1,d2]
you can get a generator matrix with minimum distance at least
Huge tables with parameters of linear codes can be found in