
Builds a permutation group. There are a lot of ways to construct groups in DISCRETA. All of them are available through this function. string is a space separated string containing commands for constructing groups. The commands are as follows:

Return Values:
This function returns a vector containing two strings. The first string is a label for the group in ASCII, the second is the corresponding label in tex.

Example 1:

gap> label := compose_group("PGGL 2 32");
discreta_batch compose_group discreta_batch_output.g discreta_tmp PGGL 2 32 
[ "PGGL_2_32", "{\rm P}Gamma {\rm L}_{2}(32)" ]
gap> g_label := label[1];
gap> g_label_tex := label[2];
"{\rm P}Gamma {\rm L}_{2}(32)"

Example 2:

gap> label := compose_group("PSL 2 17 C 2 X");
discreta_batch compose_group discreta_batch_output.g discreta_tmp PSL 2 17 C 2\
[ "PSL_2_17C2X", "{\rm PSL}_{2}(17){\bf C}_{2}\times" ]
This composes a group on 36 points of order 4896, isomorphic to PSL(2,17) acting diagonally on 2 x 18 points.

Example 3:

gap> label := compose_group("M12 -");
discreta_batch compose_group discreta_batch_output.g discreta_tmp M12 - 
[ "M12-", "{\bf M}_{12}-" ]
Composes the point stabilizer of M12, that is, M11 of order 7920 on 10 points.

Example 4:

gap> label := compose_group("file s5.txt");
discreta_batch compose_group discreta_batch_output.g discreta_tmp file s5.txt 
[ "file_s5.txt", "{\rm file s5.txt}" ]
Reads the generators from a given file, here s5.txt. The format of this file is easy. The first integer is the number of generators r, the second integer is the degree d and the following r * d integers contain the images of 1..d under the r generators (as numbers from 1 to d). Here an example, defining S_5:
2 5
2 1 3 4 5
2 3 4 5 1
This file is format free, that is whitespace characters may occur in arbitrary manner.

GeneratorsPermGroup( grp, fname, deg);

Writes generators for the GAP permutation group grp in DISCRETA format into the file fname. deg must be the degree of the group.


Retrieves the generators for the group from the KM-file.


gap> g := get_generators(km);
discreta_batch get_generators KM_PGGL_2_32_t5_k6.txt discreta_batch_output.g d\
[ ( 3, 4, 6,10,18, 7,12,22,15,28,19, 9,16,30,31,33,29,21, 5, 8,14,26,23,17,32,
     27,25,13,24,11,20), ( 3,20,11,24,13,25,27,32,17,23,26,14, 8, 5,21,29,33,
     31,30,16, 9,19,28,15,22,12, 7,18,10, 6, 4), 
  ( 2, 3)( 4, 5)( 6, 7)( 8, 9)(10,11)(12,13)(14,15)(16,17)(18,19)(20,21)
  ( 1, 3)( 4,31)( 5,21)( 6,24)( 7,10)( 8,15)( 9,17)(11,25)(12,19)(13,26)
  ( 4, 6,18,15,29)( 5, 7,19,14,28)( 8,22,31,24,27)( 9,23,30,25,26)
    (10,12,16,32,21)(11,13,17,33,20) ]
gap> gg := Group(g, g[1]^0);
Group( ( 3, 4, 6,10,18, 7,12,22,15,28,19, 9,16,30,31,33,29,21, 5, 8,14,26,23,
 17,32,27,25,13,24,11,20), ( 3,20,11,24,13,25,27,32,17,23,26,14, 8, 5,21,29,
 33,31,30,16, 9,19,28,15,22,12, 7,18,10, 6, 4), ( 2, 3)( 4, 5)( 6, 7)( 8, 9)
(32,33), ( 1, 3)( 4,31)( 5,21)( 6,24)( 7,10)( 8,15)( 9,17)(11,25)(12,19)
(13,26)(14,16)(18,27)(20,30)(22,29)(23,33)(28,32), ( 4, 6,18,15,29)
( 5, 7,19,14,28)( 8,22,31,24,27)( 9,23,30,25,26)(10,12,16,32,21)
(11,13,17,33,20) )
gap> Size(gg);

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Last updated: July 26, 1999, Evi Haberberger